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弗格森(FOCUSUNTM)是德国Külinda(柯琳徳)企业在中国的全资子公司,总部位于德国法兰克福(Frankfurt)。1929年,公司创始人Jüergen Hans发明了世界上**台管状冰型食用制冰机,即管冰机(Tube Ice Machine),从此,弗格森成为制冰机的代名词。



Focusun Refrigeration (Shanghai) Corporation, headquartered in Frankfurt in Germany, is a leading refrigeration equipment manufacturer worldwide. Since from the founder of Focusun, Jüergen Han, invented the first tube ice machine in 1929, Focusun has been Father of tube ice machine in refrigeration field.


Focusun devotes itself to researching, developing and manufacturing ice making equipment, water-cooling equipments, automatic systems of ice storage & delivery and dynamic storaged ice cool system. We Focusun draw merits of world advanced technology and experience of ice making system and 80% of our spare parts are from international famous suppliers; beside, all our machine designs are based on the idea of high load endurance and excellent quality durability that every spare part must be tested carefully before used. Focusun ice is dry, clean and no ice clumps, and we assure you our ice making equipment at least 12 years sound operation
